Adapting wildlife conservation and management to climate change
Consultation has concluded

Have Your Say
- Read the discussion paper on: Adapting Wildlife Conservation and Management to Climate Change in the Northwest Territories
- Use any of the following tools to share your input:
- Please take our survey to share your input, or
- Submit comments by email:
For more information you can look at the NWT Climate Change Strategic Framework and 2019-2023 NWT Climate Change Action Plan.
Next Steps
Feedback received will set the stage for further conversations aimed at adjusting and enhancing wildlife management and conservation efforts in the NWT in response to climate change. Input received through this process will help inform species-specific wildlife management plans (e.g., range plans, management plans and recovery plans for species at risk and other priority species), regional land use plans, and conservation network planning. Feedback will also support other GNWT-led climate change adaptation planning initiatives, including informing territorial adaptation priorities and the next five-year NWT Climate Change Action Plan.
A What We Heard report with findings will be released after completion of the survey.
Privacy Statement
No username or email is required to participate in private submissions.
Personal information provided in these forms is collected under section 40(c)(i) of the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and will be used by wildlife managers to inform wildlife management in the NWT. If you have any questions about the information collected in these forms and how it is used, please contact