GNWT Services in French - Votre Avis

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Have you requested or accessed Government of the Northwest Territories services in French? Tell us about your experience. Feedback can be submitted at any time.

“Nous voulons votre avis” means “We want your feedback”.

Government of the Northwest Territories frontline employees in Yellowknife, Hay River, Fort Smith and Inuvik make a bilingual “active offer” to ensure you feel comfortable using French to access communications and services. Someone can provide the information or service you need in French, either by direct service, referral service, or via interpretation.

Curious about what happens after hello/bonjour? Learn more here.

We welcome and encourage comments on your experience with the information and service provided by the GNWT in French.

Have Your Say

Option 1: Informal feedback

To let us know how we are doing, without a formal reply, fill in this form. Your identity will be kept confidential.

Option 2: Formal feedback

If you would like a formal reply to your feedback, you are encouraged to register a formal compliment or complaint in writing. When submitting a formal reply, your identity will not be anonymous but can be confidential.

To do so, please request the appropriate form from any of these offices:


French is an official language in the NWT and the GNWT recognizes the Francophone community as an important component of NWT society and contributor to its social, economic, and cultural development.

In recognition of this, and that Official Languages have equality of status and equal rights and privileges, the GNWT has created its Strategic Plan on French Language Communication and Services (Strategic Plan) to guide its departments, boards and agencies in the development, provision and offer of French language communications and services to the Francophone community.

Next Steps

The GNWT continually accepts feedback on services in French, as such, there is no formal end date for this engagement.

Since 2019-20, the Francophone Affairs Secretariat has conducted an annual Francophone Community Satisfaction Survey to probe the Francophone community on the quality of the active offer and effective delivery of GNWT French language communications and services. The results of the Survey contribute to the ongoing evaluation of the GNWT French language communication and services and guide the Francophone Affairs Secretariat in carrying systematic audits to assist GNWT institutions in improving their French language communications and services to the public.

The report of the 2020-21 Francophone Community Satisfaction Survey is published here.

Cliquez ici pour consulter la présente page en français.


Have you requested or accessed Government of the Northwest Territories services in French? Tell us about your experience. Feedback can be submitted at any time.

“Nous voulons votre avis” means “We want your feedback”.

Government of the Northwest Territories frontline employees in Yellowknife, Hay River, Fort Smith and Inuvik make a bilingual “active offer” to ensure you feel comfortable using French to access communications and services. Someone can provide the information or service you need in French, either by direct service, referral service, or via interpretation.

Curious about what happens after hello/bonjour? Learn more here.

We welcome and encourage comments on your experience with the information and service provided by the GNWT in French.

Have Your Say

Option 1: Informal feedback

To let us know how we are doing, without a formal reply, fill in this form. Your identity will be kept confidential.

Option 2: Formal feedback

If you would like a formal reply to your feedback, you are encouraged to register a formal compliment or complaint in writing. When submitting a formal reply, your identity will not be anonymous but can be confidential.

To do so, please request the appropriate form from any of these offices:


French is an official language in the NWT and the GNWT recognizes the Francophone community as an important component of NWT society and contributor to its social, economic, and cultural development.

In recognition of this, and that Official Languages have equality of status and equal rights and privileges, the GNWT has created its Strategic Plan on French Language Communication and Services (Strategic Plan) to guide its departments, boards and agencies in the development, provision and offer of French language communications and services to the Francophone community.

Next Steps

The GNWT continually accepts feedback on services in French, as such, there is no formal end date for this engagement.

Since 2019-20, the Francophone Affairs Secretariat has conducted an annual Francophone Community Satisfaction Survey to probe the Francophone community on the quality of the active offer and effective delivery of GNWT French language communications and services. The results of the Survey contribute to the ongoing evaluation of the GNWT French language communication and services and guide the Francophone Affairs Secretariat in carrying systematic audits to assist GNWT institutions in improving their French language communications and services to the public.

The report of the 2020-21 Francophone Community Satisfaction Survey is published here.

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Page last updated: 19 Feb 2025, 02:41 PM