Healthy Land, Healthy People renewal (2021)
Consultation has concluded

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NWT residents were invited to complete a short survey on territorial protected areas and the conservation network to inform future GNWT conservation planning.
The deadline to provide feedback was February 8, 2021.
Once a renewed Healthy Land, Healthy People work plan has been developed, the public will be invited to provide further comment on the draft work plan.
The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) is seeking public input to inform the renewal of Healthy Land, Healthy People.
Protecting biodiversity through the establishment and management of protected and conserved areas, often referred to as conservation network planning, plays a critical role in maintaining our northern ecosystems—and is an important piece of the overall land management regime for the NWT.
Conservation network planning encompasses a number of land management tools, such as territorial protected areas and special zoning requirements in land use plans.
The GNWT’s work plan and approach to conservation planning is described in Healthy Land, Healthy People: GNWT’s Priorities for Advancement of Conservation Network Planning 2016-2021.
Next Steps
Results from the public engagement will be summarized in a What We Heard report and made public once the engagement deadline has passed.
For more information, contact Conservation Planning and Implementation Unit, Department of Environment and Natural Resources at
Cliquez ici pour consulter la présente page en français.
NWT residents were invited to complete a short survey on territorial protected areas and the conservation network to inform future GNWT conservation planning.
The deadline to provide feedback was February 8, 2021.
Once a renewed Healthy Land, Healthy People work plan has been developed, the public will be invited to provide further comment on the draft work plan.
The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) is seeking public input to inform the renewal of Healthy Land, Healthy People.
Protecting biodiversity through the establishment and management of protected and conserved areas, often referred to as conservation network planning, plays a critical role in maintaining our northern ecosystems—and is an important piece of the overall land management regime for the NWT.
Conservation network planning encompasses a number of land management tools, such as territorial protected areas and special zoning requirements in land use plans.
The GNWT’s work plan and approach to conservation planning is described in Healthy Land, Healthy People: GNWT’s Priorities for Advancement of Conservation Network Planning 2016-2021.
Next Steps
Results from the public engagement will be summarized in a What We Heard report and made public once the engagement deadline has passed.
For more information, contact Conservation Planning and Implementation Unit, Department of Environment and Natural Resources at
Healthy Land, Healthy People renewal (2021) has finished this stageEngagement feedback from January 13, 2021 to February 26, 2021
Under Review
Healthy Land, Healthy People renewal (2021) is currently at this stage -
this is an upcoming stage for Healthy Land, Healthy People renewal (2021)