Proposed Draft Post-Secondary Education Regulations

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The Department of Education, Culture and Employment (ECE) proposed four sets of regulations to support the Post-Secondary Education Act (PSE Act).
The PSE Act establishes the framework to recognize post-secondary education institutions in the Northwest Territories (NWT), including universities, colleges and private training institutions. It formalizes a quality assurance system for the accreditation of certificate, diploma and degree programs.
The PSE Act received assent in 2019 and awaited the finalization of regulations to be brought into force.
ECE developed four new sets of regulations:
- Private Vocational Training (PVT) Regulations will regulate Certificate and Diploma programs that provide training in the skills and knowledge required for employment in a vocation.
- Colleges, Degree Granting and Universities Regulations will regulate the institutions identified as colleges and universities and will also regulate the offering of degrees in a post-secondary institution.
- Private Training Institutions Regulations will regulate private institutions wanting to offer post-secondary education.
- General Regulations will contain information on items that do not fit into the other areas, such as Tuition, Mandate, and Reporting.
ECE has engaged post-secondary organizations throughout the process of developing the regulations, including inviting their feedback on draft regulations and associated policies.
Please note that work is also underway on Indigenous Institution Regulations to establish the standards and processes to be recognized as an Indigenous Institution in the NWT. These regulations are being developed and informed by engagement with Indigenous governments and organizations and will reflect the unique Indigenous perspectives and contexts of the NWT. They are not included as part of this engagement; however, there will be future opportunities for input on those regulations as that work advances.
Have Your Say
The public was invited to review the proposed regulations and provide feedback to by September 27, 2022.
Next Steps
As a result of the feedback from this engagement, some changes were made to the regulations prior to finalizing. Following engagement, the PSE Act and Regulations came into force on December 16, 2022. For more information click here.
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The Department of Education, Culture and Employment (ECE) proposed four sets of regulations to support the Post-Secondary Education Act (PSE Act).
The PSE Act establishes the framework to recognize post-secondary education institutions in the Northwest Territories (NWT), including universities, colleges and private training institutions. It formalizes a quality assurance system for the accreditation of certificate, diploma and degree programs.
The PSE Act received assent in 2019 and awaited the finalization of regulations to be brought into force.
ECE developed four new sets of regulations:
- Private Vocational Training (PVT) Regulations will regulate Certificate and Diploma programs that provide training in the skills and knowledge required for employment in a vocation.
- Colleges, Degree Granting and Universities Regulations will regulate the institutions identified as colleges and universities and will also regulate the offering of degrees in a post-secondary institution.
- Private Training Institutions Regulations will regulate private institutions wanting to offer post-secondary education.
- General Regulations will contain information on items that do not fit into the other areas, such as Tuition, Mandate, and Reporting.
ECE has engaged post-secondary organizations throughout the process of developing the regulations, including inviting their feedback on draft regulations and associated policies.
Please note that work is also underway on Indigenous Institution Regulations to establish the standards and processes to be recognized as an Indigenous Institution in the NWT. These regulations are being developed and informed by engagement with Indigenous governments and organizations and will reflect the unique Indigenous perspectives and contexts of the NWT. They are not included as part of this engagement; however, there will be future opportunities for input on those regulations as that work advances.
Have Your Say
The public was invited to review the proposed regulations and provide feedback to by September 27, 2022.
Next Steps
As a result of the feedback from this engagement, some changes were made to the regulations prior to finalizing. Following engagement, the PSE Act and Regulations came into force on December 16, 2022. For more information click here.
Proposed Draft Post-Secondary Education Regulations has finished this stage -
Under Review
Proposed Draft Post-Secondary Education Regulations has finished this stage -
Proposed Draft Post-Secondary Education Regulations is currently at this stage