Student Financial Assistance Review

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Guided by the GNWT’s commitment to ensuring residents are supported in achieving their post-secondary goals, the GNWT completed a review of the Student Financial Assistance (SFA) program and is proposing some exciting changes to better support NWT students.
The proposed changes to the Student Financial Assistance Regulations will provide more financial support to assist students with the cost of post-secondary education and will remove barriers that students face.
Have Your Say
The public was invited to review the proposed regulations and a plain language summary of the proposed changes to the regulations and provide feedback to by May 31, 2023.
Next Steps
The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) has enhanced the Student Financial Assistance (SFA) program to better support students and remove barriers to post-secondary education.
Cliquez ici pour consulter la présente page en français.
Guided by the GNWT’s commitment to ensuring residents are supported in achieving their post-secondary goals, the GNWT completed a review of the Student Financial Assistance (SFA) program and is proposing some exciting changes to better support NWT students.
The proposed changes to the Student Financial Assistance Regulations will provide more financial support to assist students with the cost of post-secondary education and will remove barriers that students face.
Have Your Say
The public was invited to review the proposed regulations and a plain language summary of the proposed changes to the regulations and provide feedback to by May 31, 2023.
Next Steps
The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) has enhanced the Student Financial Assistance (SFA) program to better support students and remove barriers to post-secondary education.
Student Financial Assistance Review has finished this stageThis engagement is open from May 23 to May 31, 2023.
Under Review
Student Financial Assistance Review has finished this stage -
Student Financial Assistance Review is currently at this stage