Waste Reduction and Recovery Act

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The GNWT used the feedback reviewed to help inform the proposed bill.

The results of this engagement have been summarized in a What We Heard Report.

The GNWT used the feedback reviewed to help inform the proposed bill.

The results of this engagement have been summarized in a What We Heard Report.


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Personal information contained on this form is collected under section 40(c)(i) of the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and will be used only to inform engagement. If you have any questions in relation to the information collected on this form please contact the Recycling Program Coordinator at david_dahl@gov.nt.ca or by phone at (867) 767-9236 ext. 53196.

If you wish to instead submit comments by email, email david_dahl@gov.nt.ca.

I support these proposed changes to the Act. EPR is long overdue, I hope that once enablement is legislated, GNWT will move expeditiously to implement EPR, including the necessary agreements with other jurisdictions to make it work in the North.

Bromley about 2 years ago

I would like to contribute my logistics time and experience to see more scrap metal and dangerous goods shipped south for recycling. I have processed 130 end-of-life cars at Age Auto (Kam Lake) and imported 20+ sea containers of supplies over the last 2 yrs.
I would also like to provide the diamond mines with a laydown area in Yellowknife for scrap metal as opposed to them burying it.
My company is www.containerMart.ca

Tom Mackenzie about 2 years ago