2024 Wildfire Operations Community Engagements
Consultation has concluded

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Every year, wildfire managers across the NWT visit communities in their regions to share information with communities about the last wildfire season, planning wildfire prevention, mitigation and response for the upcoming season, and FireSmart actions individuals can take. This is also an opportunity to engage with communities, listen to ideas on wildfire response, and consider this input in our approach to wildfire management.
For the first time, this opportunity was extended online so anyone could join the conversation any time. This provided an opportunity to:
- Learn about wildfire response and decision-making
- Learn about how to take steps to protect your home, camp, cabin, or business – especially if it is in remote forested areas
- Share your input on wildfire response in your area
- Have your questions about wildfire response, prevention, and preparation answered by experts
Wildfire managers engage with communities every year before the upcoming wildfire season. An online option was available this year to provide more ways to participate. This annual engagement is in addition to the independent review of the NWT’s 2023 wildfire season.
Have Your Say
Residents were invited to read background information on:
- Virtual Idea Board: Share your ideas
- Discussion forums: Check out these topics, share your input, or join a conversation.
- Private submission: if you don’t wish to share your ideas or thoughts publicly, use this form to share your input.
- Q+A: If you have questions about wildfire management, drop them here and our team will answer.
- Email: You can also submit comments by email at nwtfire_info@gov.nt.ca.
- Attend a community session: look out for advertising of sessions near you. They will be added to key dates on your right as they are confirmed.
Read background information on:
- Wildfire response decision-making
- Fire’s important role in forest health
- Learn more about FireSmart for your home, cabin, camp, or business
Check out these videos for a quick rundown on wildfire prevention, how we make decisions, your role in fire management, and the role of fire in the forest
- The important role of fire in the forest
- How we do business
- Wildfire prevention – doing your part
- Building and putting out campfires safely
Explore other information related to wildfire management, community protection, wildfire prevention, and FireSmart
- Find and review your community’s Community Wildfire Protection Plan
- Learn more about wildfire operations
- Learn about how you can prevent wildfires on the land
Next Steps
Feedback received resulted in updated to Values-At-Risk databases, efforts advanced to implement Community Wildfire Protection Plans, information collected by regional fire managers which allowed for more effective response during the 2024 wildfire season, and changes to promotion and education activities related to FireSmart based on public feedback.
Privacy Statement
A screen name and email address will be required to participate in the discussion forums and virtual idea boards. You do not need to use your real name. Your email will not be verified.
Personal information provided in these forms is collected under section 40(c)(i) of the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and will be used by wildfire managers to inform wildfire management in the NWT. If you have any questions about the information collected in these forms and how it is used, please contact Mike Westwick, Communications and Public Engagement Advisor at Mike_Westwick@gov.nt.ca.
No username or email is required to participate in private submissions or the Q+A.