Review of the Climate Change Strategic Framework and 2030 Energy Strategy

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Discussions: All (4) Open (0)
  • Greenhouse gas reduction targets

    9 months ago
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    The GNWT is working to update greenhouse gas reduction targets. There are many ways to approach this, and many potential consequences to the choices we make. We want to hear your thoughts. 

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    Questions to think about

    • Should the NWT update its 2030 emissions reduction target? If so, what should be the level of investment, ambition, scope and timeline?
    • Should the GNWT adopt a long-term (to 2040 or 2050) emissions target? If so, what should be the level of investment, ambition, scope and timeline?
    • What role should the GNWT play in achieving greater climate action?
    • How should emissions reductions be balanced with other priorities like energy affordability?
    • Should specific economic sectors be subject to a different emissions target?
    • Should the GNWT implement policy to ensure continued progress towards its targets? 

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  • Evolving energy systems in the NWT

    9 months ago
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    Most emissions come from energy generation in the NWT. Assuring a lower carbon future means changing how we produce energy. With that comes some challenges. Check out these resources and probing questions and spark a discussion! 

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    Questions to think about


    • Is there general support to develop more clean electricity generation in the NWT?
    • Which specific electricity generation options should be supported and why?
    • What should be the role of independent power production versus utility generation?
    • Should GNWT policy be developed to support clean electricity generation development and mitigate some of the expected challenges? If so, how?
    • What mechanisms could contain potential increases in electricity rates?
    • What other factors should be considered when making decisions about our power systems?
    • What would an NWT net-zero target mean for utilities?


    • What are the opportunities and challenges related to a transition to electric vehicles?
    • What are the opportunities and challenges related to the adoption of suitable biofuels?
    • What factors should be considered when making decisions about our transportation system?
    • Should NWT policy or legislation be developed to help accelerate the uptake of electric vehicles in the NWT and/or adoption of suitable biofuels?


    • What are the challenges to scale up energy efficiency actions in the NWT? Could they be addressed? How?
    • What types of support do communities and Indigenous partners need to plan and implement small-scale renewable energy projects pertaining to the building sector?
    • Should the NWT consider developing and/or implementing building codes to ensure minimum standards in buildings? Should these codes be made net-zero ready?
    • What other factors should be considered when making decisions about buildings in the NWT?
    • Should NWT policy be developed to ensure buildings are built in a way that supports territorial energy and climate objectives?

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    Personal information contained on this form is collected under section 40(c)(i) of the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and will be used only to facilitate engagement activities. If you have any questions in relation to the information collected on this form, please email: 

    If you wish to instead submit comments by email, email: 

  • Climate + the NWT economy

    9 months ago
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    As the world moves towards a lower-carbon economy, different countries are thinking about how to manage this transition in a manner that will create jobs, economic opportunities, and prosperity. Check out these resources and probing questions and spark a discussion! 

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    Questions to think about

    Developing our economy

    • What actions can the GNWT take to support the development of critical minerals mining projects that reflect environmental, social and governance values and principles?
    • Do you have input on how economic considerations should influence the NWT’s decisions on emissions targets?
    • What would a net-zero target mean for the resource extraction industry?
    • Besides blended funding, what additional ways exist for acquiring capital to support the development of clean energy infrastructure? How could financing from private or public lending institutions be leveraged and complement the current approach?
    • What are the potential economic opportunity costs to pursuing one course of action over another?
    • Should the potential for carbon sequestration be explored more and advanced?

    Land-based emission management

    • How can the NWT further reduce GHG emissions from landfills and sewage lagoons?
    • How should the GNWT be preparing for biological and non-biological carbon dioxide removal solutions?
    • What could carbon offsets in the NWT look like? What role could Indigenous governments and Indigenous organizations play?
    • Should the GNWT continue to investigate the potential for carbon offsets in the NWT? How? 
    • How do nature-based solutions and carbon offsets align or conflict with Indigenous worldviews and values? What are the opportunities and challenges of these solutions?

    Carbon pricing

    • What is the role for carbon pricing in achieving higher emissions reduction targets?
    • Over the long term, how can carbon pricing best support emission reductions and a transition to a low-carbon economy in the NWT while minimizing the effects on people, communities, and the economy? 

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    A screen name and email address will be required to participate. You do not need to use your real name. Your email will not be verified. 

    Personal information contained on this form is collected under section 40(c)(i) of the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and will be used only to facilitate engagement activities. If you have any questions in relation to the information collected on this form, please email: 

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  • Working together

    9 months ago
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    Reducing GHG emissions and moving towards a greener economy is a shared responsibility between residents, governments, businesses, and industry. Reaching a low-carbon future means working well together - and we want to hear from you on how to improve. 

    As the world moves towards a lower-carbon economy, different countries are thinking about how to manage this transition in a manner that will create jobs, economic opportunities, and prosperity. Check out these resources and probing questions and spark a discussion! 

    Get background on the issues

    Questions to think about

    • What role should Indigenous governments, Indigenous organizations and community governments play in advancing climate and energy action?
    • Should Regional and Community Energy Planning efforts be linked to the territorial energy strategy? If so, how?
    • What role should the GNWT play in achieving greater climate ambition?
    • How do we balance climate action against the need for affordable energy and address energy poverty?
    • How could the GNWT support increased Indigenous participation or leadership in clean energy projects as well as the resource extraction sector?
    • Should NWT policy be developed to accelerate GHG emissions reductions? If so, what policies would be most useful?
    • Should Indigenous reconciliation in the NWT be advanced through climate and energy action? If so, how?
    • What role should the private sector play in advancing the energy transition? How could the GNWT best support this effort?
    • What federal/territorial incentives would facilitate community-public-private partnerships on clean energy projects?

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    A screen name and email address will be required to participate. You do not need to use your real name. Your email will not be verified. 

    Personal information contained on this form is collected under section 40(c)(i) of the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and will be used only to facilitate engagement activities. If you have any questions in relation to the information collected on this form, please email: 

    If you wish to instead submit comments by email, email